Friday, October 14, 2011

what makes me cry

Isn't funny what God will randomly bring to your attention or breaks your heart for?  Something that you haven't really thought much about or even realized was out there...?

Well this week that happened to me.  On Monday morning during the AMG devotions I heard a report on Newspaper Evangelism in Nepal.  I had no idea AMG even did Newspaper Evangelism in Nepal but I thought that was pretty cool that AMG is involved in bringing the Gospel to this lost nation. I learned that a native from Nepal has been putting an ad in a magazine read primarily by 15-35 year olds.  Over the course of this year over 775 people have responded to the ad and 233 people have accepted Christ as their savior... through a Newspaper ad.  Anyway, at the end of the report our co-worker gave a prayer request:
"Many poor and orphaned children are neglected from education.  We are praying for a Christian home for girls because traditionally girls have less opportunity for education and are socially dominated; please pray with us."
This broke my heart.  Those poor children need someone to stand up for them and love them.  This was Monday.

Next week on the AMG Blog we are focusing on Newspaper Evangelism so I thought I would share what I learned about Nepal with our readers.  Yesterday I did some more research on Nepal...there are 380 people groups in Nepal and 93% of them are unreached...meaning: "An unreached people is a group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group" (Joshua Project).  Less than 3% are Christian with the majority practicing Hinduism.  In 2008 Nepal became a democratic secular state opening the door for evangelism although it is still difficult because of the Hindu majority.

I've been reading 31 Days to Change the World.  Yesterday the post was, "know what makes you cry."

On Sunday I only thought of Nepal as a small country where the Himalayas are and I think I watched a Destination Truth episode where they were in Nepal.  I have never been to Nepal and I have no idea what the culture is like.  Only 5 days later and God is breaking my heart for these people.  For the orphaned children, for the children who don't know Jesus, and for the men and women who have never known the true Joy and Peace Jesus gives.

I think it is too easy to forget the fact that there are those who don't even know the name of Jesus because in America we are surrounded by it.  They have no idea that God sent His son to reconcile the world to is a free gift for all!  These people don't know and have no way of knowing unless someone tells them.  My heart is heavy...

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?  That is why the scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring good news!"
Romans 10:14-15

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